What is liberation

What is liberation? Liberation in a general sense means liberation from whatever that holds you back or keeps you in check. Mental liberation Physically you may be bound to the conditions life and society impose upon you, but mentally you must be free from them. Physically, you may be imprisoned in your body, but mentally you must be detached from it. Nature might not have given you wings, but you can give wings to your mind and let it fly freely. Mental liberation means freedom from the conditioning to which we are subject. It is liberation from the learning, beliefs, values, opinions, prejudices, judgments, world views, attitudes, standards, which we harbor in our minds because of our interaction with the external world. Each of these holds us down to a particular belief and value system to which we remain bound for the rest of our lives. Mental liberation means freedom from all these. In a specific sense, a mentally liberated person is free from desires, expectations, need for approval, fear and anxiety and attachments.
